Wah makasih banyak mas, akhirnya ketemu juga solusi yang simple. Sukses yach
Hey, I am sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. This is never easy news to get, but is does get easier and you will be ok. You are in the same situation as lots of other people.
You got it right. Panay ang claim. Pero napaka sensitive naman pag may nasabi ang iba na medyo negative sa Pinoy maski joke lang or depiction sa movies. Angal agad-agad. Then nauuna naman sa pagalipusta sa kapwa pinoy.
Did you use the peanut butter chips? Was the brownie cooked for the recommended time before you put the peanut butter chips on it? Did you use all of the caramel?
For the love of god please leave them off. They are loud and annoying and make it hard to hear announcements and stop notifications. If you do turn them back on at least make them silent.
thank you very useful article for me. It helped me greatly and finally I was able to remove those attribution stuff in WordPress!
Love this print and nice touch of the shirt around your waist! xx
Wolf Blitzer you are so ugly and bald you just broke my television screen. Who would give birth to such a ugly big nosed jew.
Im 50, I found I had HIV , 3 years ago. I take my medication , exercise. Etc but my cd4 seems to have stuck at 144 , will the HIV become aids
Yes I was on another treatement before but as soon as i realize my body was changing they changed my treatement and I have lost some fat on my knees and my arms but, I did not gain it on my breast or stomach either. I have lost weight since starting treatement in 2006!-!- is theresome hope for me to gain 5kg in good time? Started tribuss in november 2013. I appreciate your help so much keep up the good work