I was diagnosed with hiv in 2012, my cd4 count was 574 during my first test. At the clinic i was told to come after 12 months, i did so and my second cd4 count was 217, they then put me on treatment immediately. I would like to know whether hiv is curable or what? I also want to know that if i am on treatment i can pass the virus to my partner or what.
I was attending some sort of school. A large male lo was blocking the path thru the courtyard to the main building. When i reported this to the woman behind the glass she told me not to worry, he! ̄s !°weak!±. I got angry with her and shouted for her to call security anyway. Just then, a bell rang and the courtyard filled with students. They all ignored the lion who was afraid, cowardly and scurried thru the crowds of kids looking for a way out. (I! ̄ve been out of college since 1999)
Ang laki nga ng mga ngipin ni Philippines. Pareho sila ni Australia na tila may !°over-bite!± pa kaya na-OUT din!
Hoping to win for my daughter!
Love this print and nice touch of the shirt around your waist! xx
Wow! What a beautiful performance with Trace Adkins on CMT Country Christmas. And you are GORGEOUS!
@JaphyDeluxe Brad is from the baby boomer generation albeit right at the tail end.
Since I have a thing for blue and white, I love, love, love that shirt. And now I want it to be summer, so I can wear my own denim baseball cap. Oh well.
Woo go LA. I never knew I need a denim hat, but apparently I do! It! ̄s adorable.
Could you please also send the line-up to me?