This is a giant mess. How are you supposed to put gooey brownie batter on top of liquid caramel? Plus a 9 inch square pan is way too small to hold the ingredients. I have caramel dripping all over my oven (yes, I! ̄ve lined it because I knew this would happen). After the listed cooking time I! ̄m starting to smell burnt caramel, yet the center of the brownie is still completely liquid. I have been baking for a long time and I! ̄m really disappointed with this.
Hi I! ̄m hiv+ and I! ̄m using atrozia but the problem is a have noticed that my face is always itchy nd I have like a rash covering the my face. Please help because I have been to the doctors and nothing is helping.
I am currently on Odimune, and eczema is slowly fading away, but for the past 3 days, my tummy! ̄s running!-
I had a dream I was called out of class by some guy and he says something while my wolf and a cheatah circles us and then we! ̄re suddenly saying vow in front of an abnormally large full moon I don! ̄t get this
Me and my wife we have been together for almost five years now, and we have been blessed with a very beutifull daughter , but on 11december 2013 we went for a routine check as she is pregnant again for about seven month and she tested positive and I was negative and we never used protection , so what are my chances of being HIV+ after I repeat the test in three month time?
Nagpigil muna si Dingdong para sasabay sa putukan mamaya. LOLZ
How do I delete the words !°Archives for!± in my categories? It only shows up in the first page of a category but not the succeeding pages. !°Archives for!± also appears in the search results. So instead of just showing !°Japanese Cars!± it will say !°Archives for Japanese Cars!±.
Brad, after reading through the history on this I felt downright upset on your behalf, and I can only imagine how painful it must be for you personally. You say some unpopular things and that can make you an easy target, but I think it! ̄s important that you keep saying them because sometimes you! ̄re right. In a culture prone to sexual hysteria it! ̄s I think you do a lot of good by voicing what you do. I! ̄ve enjoyed your writing for a long time, and your words have inspired to me to spend more time on the mat than I otherwise might have. Keep it up, I for one appreciate it.
Transit TV was one of those !°let! ̄s talk about it for with endless useless meetings and discussions about it at taxpayer expense for decades!± which is what people wanted back in the 1980s, and just when they got finally to do it by the 2000s, the technology has moved to where people started having their own smartphones and entertainment devices.
Hey am 4 month pregnant I found out dat am HIV+ so I wanna know de symtoms coz am starting 2 take a treatment am confused