You have got wonderful thing on this website.
Night sweats is not included as a side effect in the summary of product information for efavirenz. It could plausibly happen if you are having the very bad dreams or nightmares. If you are not having these at the same time though, please talk to your doctor in case it is a symptom of something else.
Yes, it could be a passed friend or love one from the afterlife saying Hi.
hi,i actually want to ask u that my husband is hiv positive and he is using medicine now but i was not diagnosed +ve till 3 times i had test!-now what ca i do am also affected???wel am really worrid and scared too wel now we have safe sex but before we didnt hav .we knew he had hiv after 1 and half yr marriage !-wel he had nonpulmonary tv then he was diagnosed to have hiv!-so should i check again or is it possible am not infected???wel i love him alot and dont wana lose him plz help me and if possible tel me if he can be cured forever!-
Hahaha, I guess Metro finally wised up and dumped something that was so lame, cheap and cheesy. Even LAUSD telecommunications classes had better production values than Transit TV did!
Get well soon Kuya Germs except BINAY.
Hi I would lyk to know whether is odimune works exactly as ARVs? Do I have 2 take it for the rest of my life even though my cd4 count is high?, actually I want to know that is there a difference between a person who is taking odimume at night and a person who is taking three tablet at am and pm?
I keep seeing coyotes either in the middle eb of the road staring at me or running across the road orout infields playing I am just wonderingif that has any meaning and I livein the city so its not like its common and I do not believe in coincedants
I meant to write !RI remember feeling this ISNT fair.! ̄
!°Why is all the Zen interaction on the web seemingly about how everyone else is wrong and an idiot and doesn?t get ?it? (just read the comments sections here and on sweeping zen for numerous examples)?!±