No music should be playing on those screens. It should be transit related. Like they do on the CAT transit in Las Vegas. It shows a diagram with a all the stops thar are coming up displayed. It calls out points of interest. Everything related w the commuters route info.
22 march 2013 i tested my blood is positive and then my freind told me for elisa test in that test is hiv is reaction test valua is 3.07 and cut of valua is 0.09 please help me can is there treatment
Hi dr, please help as me and my fiance are planning to have a child but the problem my fiance is positive and I am negative. He is taking his ARVs and his CD4 count is increasing. He said he spoke to one of the nurses in clinic and he was told that he can do unprocteted sex as he is CD4 count is increasing. I am really scared. What if me and the child that we planning gets an infection. Pls help as we really desparate for a child.
Freaking awesome. I love that kind of mashup and this one is well done!!
Hi, I started using Tribuss about 6 months ago, in May 2013, as my CD4 count was 250 and I developed Shingles. But I am losing weight and I saw a nutritionalist who advise me to eat healthy. I have a healthy appetite and eat three full meals a day plus snack on fruit inbetween but I have lost approximately 20 kg. I am concerned because I do not want to leave my ARV but I do not have a partner. I do not have pain anywhere in my body and I am very energetic. Please advise.
i dream i was at a concert at my school and some people who didn! ̄t like me was trying to make fun of me, but i try my best not to react. i went to catch a bus to go home, the bus drop me off short so i had to walk the rest. when i started walking the road was nice and smooth, as i continued the road became muddy and a whole bunch of horses appeared. they were all muddy, but space out. i was afraid to pass, but since they were spaced out, i try to put my fear behind me and passed them one by one. but the road was really terrible. even though i was safe when i reached home, i still had that fear because i knew the horses were still outside. but instead of me reaching home, i was at work. i woke up after realising that i never reached home but was at work.
Hi, i started using Tribuss after giving birth but i have side effects since first week until now and im worried about it pls help me.
nice outfit, the bold print is amazing!
In my dreams, I have many of a white wolf running parallal to me through the trees. I feel he! ̄s watching after me. Comments, please.
HI Kathleen, Thank you for taking the time to leave a message here. These are all appreicayed. It really is a lovely show to be involved in the fun you see is genuine! Merry Christmas.