These look super delicious!! That caramel layer ¨C yumm!!
wah ahirnya menemukan yang simple, thxs alot mas infonya, mohon bimbingan lagi seandainya saya tersesat heheheee
Hi Natasha- I am so sorry that you are having issues. The brownie batter should go over the caramel easily, not sure how that is a problem. And yes, if the caramel is not covered entirely there may be edges and bits that get done faster than the center. If you cooked the bottom layer first then it should definitely not be liquid still. Can you tell me how I can re-word the directions so that this would work better for you in the future?
George w bush you ugly bald inbred son of a bitch. Laura Bush you are fucking ugly i will tell president Lincoln to burn your skull and bones. Beware bitch. George w bush your a fucking pussy you! ̄re own people you attacked from every aspect of life and stood with Elizabeth. President Lincoln is going to beat the shit out of you and your bald ass dad and mother. Lincoln and grossmann will slither all across your souls. Beware
Does not say at what temp to cook brownies
My hubby is positive and I! ̄m so worried coz I want kids
Please, whatever you do, just LEAVE THE SOUND OFF.
I have been using odimune for a year now so they gave me atroiza and I only realize when I arrieve at should I go back to the clinic and show them or ask if they make mistake or should I just carry on?
My boyfriend first blood test was detected to have HIV 1 & 2 and now he had the confirmatory test for HIV. If he had HIV positive what medicine and treatment he has to take? And how many times he have to take it? I! ̄m very lost I love him very much but I! ̄m too afraid because my blood test is negative but will I in future will possibly get HIV positive? If he get treated with medicine and treatment how long can he live? I! ̄m very worried I don! ̄t wish to see him dead or anything happened.
I! ̄m 5 months pregnant and HIV positve .I! ̄ve started treatment ( Astreslawin tablets) while I found out at 3 months of my pregnancy .I! ̄m experiencing diarrhea ,is this not gonna affect my unborn child or cause miscarriage.