loving your floral top and your jeans! great outfit!
We have been married for 9 years; on our 2nd year of marriage we discovered that my husband was HIV+ and I was HIV- even though we had unprotected sex. We have been using condoms for the past 7 years but we seldom have sex. This makes me feel guilty as I assume he has lost interest due to the use of condoms. At times I feel like we should continously have unprotected sex as I feel I am being too impossible and unreasonably strict!-!-I am confused as I love my man and would like to see him happy also I love my life.
Kung hindi pa na diskubre ni Putin na kinukontrol ng amerika ang langis hindi sana baba yan
This information is invaluable. How can I find out more?
wah ahirnya menemukan yang simple, thxs alot mas infonya, mohon bimbingan lagi seandainya saya tersesat heheheee
I was diagnosed HIV+ 2012 October and then my CD4 was 285 my doctor decided that i should be on treatment, but i was reluctant. In December 2013 i got sick with shingles. This year i decided to start treatment . I! ̄ve started Tribuss. What are the side effects?
I am 27 years old. I was diagnosed in 2011. I also got pregnent recently and I am 12 weeks.
My boyfriend first blood test was detected to have HIV 1 & 2 and now he had the confirmatory test for HIV. If he had HIV positive what medicine and treatment he has to take? And how many times he have to take it? I! ̄m very lost I love him very much but I! ̄m too afraid because my blood test is negative but will I in future will possibly get HIV positive? If he get treated with medicine and treatment how long can he live? I! ̄m very worried I don! ̄t wish to see him dead or anything happened.
before I was born, my name was chosen to be Waylon. during the delivery I! ̄ve been told that I cried like a coyote, so they named me Waylon coyote, like a play on words. not only is it my spirit animal, its also my namesake.
I want to know what to do because I work shifts and these tablets make me dizzy , I want to know if its possible to change and drink them at any time of the day depending on my shifts or should I stick to the time that I am taking them everyday?