I had a dream that I went into a room, looked at the back of my body in a mirror and saw that I had a black horse tail. It was long and pretty, but I wanted to cut it. As soon as I was about to leave the room, to grab some scissors, I looked up and saw that there was a strange man watching me from the vent and in my dream i became more concerned with sternly telling off the man who was watching me. I woke up feeling quite confused ¨C thoughts?
Hi! I am writing to you because I! ̄m also a daydreamer and a dreamer, and we are alike, but most importantly because my guide is a white owl. I came this page because I thought mine would be a wolf so I had to read what it was about. I too had recurring nightmares of a lone wolf from ages 6 to 12-ish. It scared me then badly. But today it is my favorite animal. So majestic, powerful, and disciplined. I! ̄m not necessarily a man of God(not against either), but I send my good energy and clarity to you from an Owl to a Wolf!- because if you are going to fill some shoes, you might as well make them big ones.
So, people are mad because Brad is too honest, and take advantage of his openness by making his life more difficult.
I find them everywhere I go, they like to land on me!-
Can you bring a dog to the fair if it is on a leash?
Now your mom can spread HER wings, and fly. I wish you the best of luck. -RN
Hi if CD4 is 29 can Tribuss help?
I have done all the different quizzes to find my spiritual animal. I love turtles, but every quiz tells me I am a wolf. I read the results, I am!-but I always shop and find turtles, never a wolf!-why?
@JaphyDeluxe Brad is from the baby boomer generation albeit right at the tail end.
Had a dream last eve!- In a field with an unknown man!- !°things!± were in these fields but as I would turn to look back, !°things!± were gone!- the things missing happened 3 times and started to wonder if This man, thought I may have had something to do with !°Things!± missing. Looked to my right and see a Black wolf coming into the area of where we were. Pointed to the black wolf and the man ran so much faster than I and wanted to hide in a !°SAFE!± ??? I watched him run before me leaving me behind. I, then turned and the Black wolf was approaching me face to face. I, felt fear but also, a defeat of sorts. I raised my hands and stood my ground facing this mud covered face of the black wolf. I, stated whoa, He stopped, slight growl and I repeated again!- He stood his ground and we faced each other. Any thoughts?