I defaulted for about three months, my test came back showing a very high viral load if 1000? Am I going to die?
I! ̄m HIV positive. My man is negative, he doesn! ̄t like us to use condom and I! ̄m taking treament to protect my baby. Can my baby be protected from HIV?
I started tribuss two weeks back and im still taking my vitamin supplements. I just want to know if i must stop taking vitamins or continue while taking tribuss?
How long it takes to get used to Odimune? I have been in Odimune for a year but still feel dizzy all the time and i am a shift worker. It worries me at times.
Hi Rach! I! ̄ve asked him to write a note so many times it! ̄s not funny. Oh well I! ̄m sure one day he will.
Love this print and nice touch of the shirt around your waist! xx
The normal range for a CD4 result is different for different makes of test. In general the 400-1600 range is fairly standard. This is based on the range for 95% of people though. A few percent of people have normal levels that are either or lower than these limits, and it doesn! ̄t appear to be related to any better or worse general health.
Why not try to talk about this with your husband. It is difficult to comment otherwise. If your husband is on treatment there are lots of studies that also shows HIV is difficult to transmit. This may help if either of your are worried about intimacy because of HIV.
Hi, sorry for being so slow. I just noticed today, after months of shying the commas in my notes, that it actually converts the commas to semi-colons.
These are things your friend needs to talk about with here doctor and HIV health care team. Getting an HIV positive test result is difficult and stressful. It takes time and support. Learning you are positive when you are pregnant also involves finding out about treatment, and using this during the pregnancy to reduce the risk of passing HIV to the baby.