Terrific page, Carry on the good work. Appreciate it!
This is so not accurate for me
The links in the WODs rarely work or go to the correct site for me. The Zone link (Know your Zone) displays a page not found error. The Spartan Exercise Database link goes to the same Double Butt Jump link above. Is this an issue with my browser or for everyone? This has been my experience with the last few WOD posts !a link issues with each.
Brad, don! ̄t let this get you down. They give you flak because you! ̄re honest and you tell it like it is. Everyone who ever does gets crap. Howard Stern and The Ramones, for examples, went through all kinds of mudslinging and hate campaigns against them because they dared to challenge bull$#!. You! ̄ve helped me immensely and you! ̄ll always have my support.
I don! ̄t know how useful it is to take !°sides!± in this discussion, but I do want to say that Brad! ̄s books and blog have been super helpful to me, and it! ̄s nice to have a (somewhat) prominent voice in Zen that isn! ̄t from the baby boomer generation or who doesn! ̄t treat Zen as merely a subset of psychotherapy.
I actually made these and thought I would share my experience for anyone else considering hazarding a try at this sinful treat. I followed the recipe pretty much exactly, with a 9!A9 inch pan, no substitutions, and baked at 350,, but I baked them longer than called for. The first layer I left in about 15-17 minutes. It was still reeeaally liquidy after the 10-12 called for, so I gave them a few more minutes until it had firmed up a bit.
Better he turns out like you than like some of these other Zen masters.
My girlfriend tested positive but I tested negative. Now she says I am also positive and I infected her even if it does not shows positive on me.
I! ̄ve jst started using Atroiza, no side effects yet but my abdomen is painful and kidneys sometimes! What time can I take it at night because sometimes I work until late but they said to take it at bed time.