Hahaha well said! I agree completely!
I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis but i! ̄m glad to hear that you are feeling well.
Is this tablet atrovia still the same as Atripla as my didn! ̄t tell me that is changing me to this tablet! Please I! ̄m worried
i! ̄ve been hearing about on media,today i got it at ma clinic!-!-is there anything to worry about? (Its side effects)
Hi i just found out im hiv positive an im pregnant ive been given tribuss but the packet insert says dont take if pregnant im confussed what do i do? My cd4 is above 500
Hi i jst need to know how dangerous is it if i dnt proceed with the tablet named norstan isonniazid.i have been diagnosed to hiv and my doctor told me my cd4 count is down to 295.i am afraid to start arvs.is it posible for it to be up again without taking treament?i am just so afraid.please help
I! ̄m HIV positive and my husband is negative. We need a child and im scared to infect my him. I am on antiretroviral treatment. Please help.
A different world is right, but not a bad and very interesting too.
I started the medication in 2013 there are no side effects it works very well in my body Im very healthy now
Best brownies I ever made. I was feared and revered the day I brought these in to the office. Not only is the caramel and peanut butter the best addition to a brownie you could ever imagine, but the brownie recipe all by itself is amazing!