The only thing that will keep you healthy and your HIV under control are HIV meds. If you are having trouble with Atroiza you can ask at your clinic or doctor if there are other meds available.
Any help ,i started taking atroiza in june while i was pregnant and have now delivered my HIV negative baby, so i would like to know that is this Atroiza only for pregnant woman? Am i going to be switched to a new treatment because im no longer pregnant? Please help.
Hi i am currently on tribuss and in the morning i feel very tired and dizzy.I would like to know if and when these side effects will stop. When is it a good time to take it?
I love the details on your website. Thanks a bunch.
I really like how vivid the blue print in your top is!
I love how you put that hat with this outfit. You always have the perfect mix of dressed up and casual cool!
I am currently on Odimune, and eczema is slowly fading away, but for the past 3 days, my tummy! ̄s running!-
My CD 4 count is 446 and my boyfriend his still negative n now want a baby I! ̄m scared of that my CD 4 count can drop maybe during delivery. I! ̄m steal safe can I become pregnant?
Thanks a lot, A great sun and that great groove, everything! ̄s perfect.
I had a dream that I was a lion and was battling a wolf and there were a pack of wolves on the side just watching. the setting I believe looked like a desert with trees and rocks around from what I remember. and also the dream kinda looked matrix, 3d! ̄ish. that! ̄s the best way I can put it. does this symbolize anything? I wasn! ̄t afraid or anything like that in the dream. I was calm but alert.