I love perusing your website. Thank you so much!
I feel like this quiz needs to be more in depth and have more then two answers. I got the butterfly but, I didn! ̄t feel comfortable with some of the choices because they! ̄re too limited. This is a nice resource tool to find the meanings of different totems though
I was attending some sort of school. A large male lo was blocking the path thru the courtyard to the main building. When i reported this to the woman behind the glass she told me not to worry, he! ̄s !°weak!±. I got angry with her and shouted for her to call security anyway. Just then, a bell rang and the courtyard filled with students. They all ignored the lion who was afraid, cowardly and scurried thru the crowds of kids looking for a way out. (I! ̄ve been out of college since 1999)
oh I wish I had that rule along time ago. Stick with it, you will all be better off.
My hubby is positive and I! ̄m so worried coz I want kids
nice outfit, the bold print is amazing!
My question is how long can a person with HIV lives while taking the treatment ? And this change of medication why is it done, why can! ̄t we take one for life time?
This varies a lot between different people. Usually within a week or two it should get better. If it continues than talk to your doctor about this.
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Utterly amazing, it! ̄s perfect!