Unfortunately no, at least not in an easy way. It! ̄s designed like fixed-width theme, it has to be rerworked for float width.
Great lil prize, thanks and cheers!!
Hi Minki, it sounds like you are doing lots of good things to look after your health. It is important to talk to your doctor about the weight loss though as this may be caused by something else. Without knowing your usually weight and height it is difficult to know how significant the change is. However, 20 kg sounds like a lot, especially as most people tend to put on a little weight during the first six months on treatment.
Hi since i heard on tv news that hiv cure tables has been found is that true
hi my girlfriend she is HIV positive and we being sleeping together for 8 month without condoms but i test negetive how possible is that? They said i must return after 6 week if is still negetive am i haven! ̄t got HIV?
I think MJ was too sexy to be Miss Universe. It doesn! ̄t matter what gown you put on her when she wears her bikini, OMG!
I dreamed that I was walking next to a beautiful, huge chestnut horse. As we were getting closer to the stables I saw a man hitting a horse, also a chestnut, the horse was on it! ̄s hind legs trying to pull free. Then suddenly the horse lay down on it! ̄s side. Blood was flowing from it! ̄s side. I was shocked at what I saw and started running towards the stables, shouting at the man to stop and saw that there were 3 horse! ̄s lying on their sides with blood streaming out the wounds. When I reached the horses I was relieved to see that they were stil alive and that I could still help them. Then I woke up.
Hi there! Quick question that! ̄s completely off topic.
I have had a recurring dream growing up in this dream my grandparents home is sold and the new neighbors are moving in I go to the street in front of my house to try to see who is moving in (by the way my grandparents were both still alive at this point and lived at the end of my street) as I get to the end of my lawn I catch the sent of a girl who at the very same moment catches my sent and we are both transformed into wolves I run down the street and we meet her family takes us inside and we run into a room and lay with eachother they get my parents and explain what happened and I go home with my parents go to sleep and turn back to a human in my sleep the next day in the dream I go to visit as a human and she is at the top of the stairs in a native American wedding dress I look down and my clothes have changed to match hers I walk up the stairs meet her and kiss and that! ̄s when I wake up any thoughts
K, sorry about that. Try again now.