Today is my boyfriend! ̄s birthday. On the way to work this morning, a coyote slowly crossed the road in front of our car, looking our way. We thought about coyotes all day and felt the one we saw was definitely speaking to us. Stay open to possibilities !-
Hi I! ̄m 21weeks pregnant and have recently found out that I am hiv+,I was given atroiza I jus wana know when and how it should be taken is it 2hours before or after meals?
Hi I! ̄m curious what bands will be playing so I can decide where l !Rll be going ahead of time.
Very nice look, I love this print!
Hahaha, I guess Metro finally wised up and dumped something that was so lame, cheap and cheesy. Even LAUSD telecommunications classes had better production values than Transit TV did!
!°I!± have practiced Soto Zen, Zazen, etc. for the past 2-3 years, and I have come to see that Buddhism is not tenable in American organizations. This is a !°Dhamma ending age!± and pratyekabuddhas tend to emerge in this period. Buddhism has been distilled into simple phrases such as !°live in the moment!± when it dealt with much more !°painful!± topics in the past. Zen also began with much promise but eventually became too laid back in its illogical riddles, fetish over non-dualistic !°formless practices!±, and etc.
Im 50, I found I had HIV , 3 years ago. I take my medication , exercise. Etc but my cd4 seems to have stuck at 144 , will the HIV become aids
thank you very useful article for me. It helped me greatly and finally I was able to remove those attribution stuff in WordPress!
We have been married for 9 years; on our 2nd year of marriage we discovered that my husband was HIV+ and I was HIV- even though we had unprotected sex. We have been using condoms for the past 7 years but we seldom have sex. This makes me feel guilty as I assume he has lost interest due to the use of condoms. At times I feel like we should continously have unprotected sex as I feel I am being too impossible and unreasonably strict!-!-I am confused as I love my man and would like to see him happy also I love my life.
good instrumental; thank you. ? i need a remix executive producer?i need a producer. youlanda patterson