I! ̄m HIV positive and my husband is negative. We need a child and im scared to infect my him. I am on antiretroviral treatment. Please help.
I have just started with my treatment Atroiza on the 28 of may 2013. I take mine at night The first two days I felt numb and dizzy now I have a problem with sleeping, I would sleep for a few hours and find that 2-3hours I! ̄m wide awake.
My fiancee has been on treatment for twelve years now. We use protection but is it safe for us to have unprotected sex? We want to have a baby.
Hi,I was on chemo while I get tested my cd4 was 16 at that time,I started to take Atroiza,now it goes faster than it was
it shows, what a Loser this country is.
I started taking Atroiza this week on my 34th week of pregnancy, the first day i was dizzy and i had a strange headache, the second day i had night sweats and now all that is no more except feeling strengthless especially on my feet, will this be permanent or not?
A couple of times I have tried to compare similar things in different contexts ¨C to no avail.
hope to win this amazing phone
Hi ever since I! ̄ve taken Atroiza I lost my weight from 38 to 34 what does that mean?
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