hi,i actually want to ask u that my husband is hiv positive and he is using medicine now but i was not diagnosed +ve till 3 times i had test!-now what ca i do am also affected???wel am really worrid and scared too wel now we have safe sex but before we didnt hav .we knew he had hiv after 1 and half yr marriage !-wel he had nonpulmonary tv then he was diagnosed to have hiv!-so should i check again or is it possible am not infected???wel i love him alot and dont wana lose him plz help me and if possible tel me if he can be cured forever!-
I had a dream I was called out of class by some guy and he says something while my wolf and a cheatah circles us and then we! ̄re suddenly saying vow in front of an abnormally large full moon I don! ̄t get this
Ok the ordering changes here is the problem I face,
This will be my first Apple if ever I win
Yes. See the answer above. They all contain the same active meds.
this is a free country. you are free to leave.
LOL! Kakulay pala, as in dilaw. Wala ring mangyayari sa isyung yan. Alam naman natin na untouchables ang mga dilaw.
Better he turns out like you than like some of these other Zen masters.
If you are taking Atroiza can you have a baby?
Is this tablet atrovia still the same as Atripla as my didn! ̄t tell me that is changing me to this tablet! Please I! ̄m worried