Thank you, I’m happy t see you here and hope to see you again.Cheers !!
Nice to see you here, and hope to see you again ;) . Glad that you like the article
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Excellent blog here! after reading, i decide to buy a sleeping bag ASAP
this .
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Thank you and hope to see you again here ;) . I’m happy to see you here :D
include an email and address, so I have done that. Is it ok that I included them?
Jai essaye de booter mais sa marche pas. Au demarrage jentends le lecteur CD qui travaille mais sa ne veux pas booter et je sais pas pourquoi.Je ne vois pas dou viens le probleme.Meme un UBCD pose des problemes car jai voulu passe par une application Grub afin de le restaure, mais lapplication ne se charge pas.