Keep up the good work guys, in keeping the art and the origins of animation alive! It! ̄s important that we move with the times and appreciate how technology advances and enables evolution, but also we understand how we got there!
The safest way to reduce this risk is to use a condom. This protects against HIV and many other infections. If your girlfriend sometimes sleeps with her husband, it sound unlikely that you know whether her husband also sleeps with other people. You can only know about your own health by going for an HIV test yourself.
Some excellent work, well done, brings a smile to face when listening to some of these songs!-.
Hi I receive atroiza today nd my cd4 is 118, so I want to knw after how long my cd4 is gonna raise?
George w bush you ugly bald inbred son of a bitch. Laura Bush you are fucking ugly i will tell president Lincoln to burn your skull and bones. Beware bitch. George w bush your a fucking pussy you! ̄re own people you attacked from every aspect of life and stood with Elizabeth. President Lincoln is going to beat the shit out of you and your bald ass dad and mother. Lincoln and grossmann will slither all across your souls. Beware
Today is my boyfriend! ̄s birthday. On the way to work this morning, a coyote slowly crossed the road in front of our car, looking our way. We thought about coyotes all day and felt the one we saw was definitely speaking to us. Stay open to possibilities !-
Be 2 happy to have one!-for free
I! ̄m 20 weeks now with hiv positive and my CD4 is high can I have a healthy baby
Very fine, Kong. I got a tape of Joy Division from Danny, the drummer of the Avengers, and they were the finest thing (even if it was a crummy tape).
Woo go LA. I never knew I need a denim hat, but apparently I do! It! ̄s adorable.