I! ̄m 5 months pregnant and HIV positve .I! ̄ve started treatment ( Astreslawin tablets) while I found out at 3 months of my pregnancy .I! ̄m experiencing diarrhea ,is this not gonna affect my unborn child or cause miscarriage.
Absolutely my new favorite mellow hip hop. I love this hip hop mash-up album concept. I had considred Max Tannone (Jaydiohead, Mos Dub) the king, but you have deposed him with this album.
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Thanks for your email. These symptoms are not side effects normally associated with Odimune. It! ̄s important that you discuss these with a doctor incase they are a sign of another infection or illness.
I want to now how to take this medicine, is at after food or not?
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Why not try to talk about this with your husband. It is difficult to comment otherwise. If your husband is on treatment there are lots of studies that also shows HIV is difficult to transmit. This may help if either of your are worried about intimacy because of HIV.
captainhardshell, you seem to enjoy idolizing Brad Warner. I bet you don! ̄t really live a fulfilling life outside of sitting endlessly on the cushion, huh? I bet you enjoy idolizing your sensei too.
Hi, my friend thinks that she is HIV because she lost her boyfriend who was HIV. She tested for HIV and she was negative now she is afraid of going back to test. It has been a year now.