Better he turns out like you than like some of these other Zen masters.
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I dreamed that I was walking next to a beautiful, huge chestnut horse. As we were getting closer to the stables I saw a man hitting a horse, also a chestnut, the horse was on it! ̄s hind legs trying to pull free. Then suddenly the horse lay down on it! ̄s side. Blood was flowing from it! ̄s side. I was shocked at what I saw and started running towards the stables, shouting at the man to stop and saw that there were 3 horse! ̄s lying on their sides with blood streaming out the wounds. When I reached the horses I was relieved to see that they were stil alive and that I could still help them. Then I woke up.
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You are wonderful, David Garrett! Thank you!
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You got it right. Panay ang claim. Pero napaka sensitive naman pag may nasabi ang iba na medyo negative sa Pinoy maski joke lang or depiction sa movies. Angal agad-agad. Then nauuna naman sa pagalipusta sa kapwa pinoy.
Hello, I! ̄m new here (looking forward to buying your first book some time next month, and omg do you have reasonable prices on the zafus in you site shop), and to all these things (zen and its community) in general, but I think that may be the right stance for this. Too many details that are irrelevant to the correct response. If life and limb are not at risk, I say that all conflicts should eventually be resolved with kind words. However, we are humans and are not always capable. At bare minimum, it usually takes time to cool off enough to seek reconciliation. Sometimes we never get to that point. What! ̄s important to remember is that you can not blame your enemies for a lack of reconciliation. There is almost always some set of truthful words that could reconcile the deepest conflicts. We must admit to ourselves that regardless of their failings we have either failed to find those words or held too much pride to use them. This is even more difficult in many cases than simply finding and using them. Everyone has their reasons for their behaviors, not all of them logical or moral. One must try to empathize with the failings of others, even when their failings are directed aggressively at our own person. We are best at doing this if we try to understand their motives, but if we can! ̄t understand, we must acknowledge our own ignorance and give them the psychological benefit of the doubt. We may not always be capable of this response (I rarely am), but I believe it to be the correct one. In this case, I find it easier as an observer to keep a clear head by not reading the articles in the first place, but I will say that in the case of the admin, if I ran a site and gave people I knew the ability to post articles on it, I would let them post whatever they wanted as long as I found their postings to be honest. It! ̄s important to let contributors have their freedom. I! ̄m going to stay out of further specifics (as I probably should have there) as I am not qualified to speak on them and feel it muddys the basic issues involved. I only wish I was capable of what feels like such lucidity when I wasn! ̄t half asleep. Looking forward to finally getting your book(s) when I! ̄m less broke, D351.