Oh good grief !- Brad, I! ̄ve just sent my 13-year-old grandson Hardcore Zen for Xmas. Thanks for your efforts.
Hands down the most amazing album I! ̄ve ever heard. Moved to a new city and this has literally become the soundtrack of my life.
I would like to know if tribuss have an effect on hearing loss?
I havent noticed anything bad. I seem to enjoy the wolf spirit animal.
I think MJ was too sexy to be Miss Universe. It doesn! ̄t matter what gown you put on her when she wears her bikini, OMG!
!°Oh good grief Brad, I?ve just sent my 13-year-old grandson Hardcore Zen for Xmas. Thanks for your efforts.!±
it shows, what a Loser this country is.
I had a dream of a 3 headed black horse . A deserted road!-. or street . I could not see the lines, so i assumed its just a road DESERTED because i see color in my dreams i like to observe everything in the dream when i can. The sky or surrounding area was orange as a desert.the sky and ground. There were people walking down this road dressed in white then i see a bride.then after the bride right before i wake up i see the black horse with three heads. It was not really doing anything it just appeared. Was not weird looking and did not walk. I also have had dreams of other black animals before and i found out way later what it means. But this dream in still wondering. Its been at least 9 years ago. And i still don! ̄t know why. Or what it means.
Very well put, I completely agree.
Can atrioza cause water retention in legs and feet.