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Hiya, Im 49 now but we had a child in 2002 so he was conceived in 2001 sometime. I was already HIV positive and unfortunately did not know I was positive. He was born is good health and HIV negative and is now 10 years old so I would say your chances are as good as anyone else to have a healthy kid.
Hie doc I! ̄m pregmant about 6months I use a tribuss tablet so now doctor give me a odimune I like to now is working same is not a problem to change
Thanks Gary !a please inform any feedback or complaint!
I had a dream last night that I arrived at a house to help someone .A lady answered the door and she looked very tired and troubled .She walked me to the back of the home and there was a boy about 12 years old he had horse hooves for his hands and feet.The lady left the boy was communicating with me but not through words he said he was tired of trying to make his mom understand that he is not helpless .The boy had dark hair .And very troubled .Can anyone tell me what this means
Thanks for the edit, Beelzebibble! That missing comment really messed with the meaning.
it shows, what a Loser this country is.
I started taking Atroiza this week on my 34th week of pregnancy, the first day i was dizzy and i had a strange headache, the second day i had night sweats and now all that is no more except feeling strengthless especially on my feet, will this be permanent or not?
Hi guys. If im taking Atroiza is it ok to also take Tribuss?
Hahaha, I guess Metro finally wised up and dumped something that was so lame, cheap and cheesy. Even LAUSD telecommunications classes had better production values than Transit TV did!