Starkiller took on the role of Vader's personal assassin and enforcer, dispatching problematic individuals throughout the Imperial military and government with vicious enthusiasm. Starkiller personally developed into a staunch Imperialist, viewing these assassinations as a form of service to the Empire.[3] To this end, Starkiller was provided with a custom designed ship, the Rogue Shadow, and an Imperial officer assigned to serve as his pilot, as although Starkiller was a skilled pilot in his own right, Vader preferred that his apprentice focus and meditation and other exercises while an enlisted pilot delivered him to his destination.[1] There was evidently a high turnover for such individuals, as they were either killed in the field or executed by Vader.[1][3] His first pilot was a dour old sergeant who, according to Starkiller, flew the Rogue Shadow like an oil barge. One of his missions with this pilot involved hunting down a treacherous Imperial aide on Malastare who had run up gambling debts. With 's help, Starkiller infiltrated the aide's security installation in Port Pixelito, and crawled through the ventilation ducts to his target's private chambers. Starkiller then Force choked the aide while he was working at his desk. The sergeant was later executed for tardiness.[5] Another mission took him to Duro, where the local Imperial despot had grown overly ambitious. Starkiller developed an unending dislike for All Terrain Scout Transports during the mission.[3]
9. We reserved the right to make changes at will without notifying contestants
Dette ble altsa for sterk kost for tegneserieleserne i 1976, fryktet forlaget som sensurerte bort den nakne Manestrale.
I bought this item for a special project for a client. I needed at least 4 drawers but all 6 have come in handy. You can easily roll it to get it out of the way or to another room for use. There are dividers on top which are useful to keep pens, clips, post its, scissors, etc. handy.
Jonas undersoktes pa formiddagen. Man tog blodprover och gjorde tva olika typer av rontgenundersokningar. Dels en magnetundersokning, som ger en ytterst exakt bild av cancerns omfattning och spridning i och utanfor prostatan. Dels med en sa kallad PET apparat for att utreda eventuell metastasering: en skiktrontgen som forstarks med radioaktiva sparamnen som tas upp sarskilt val av cancerceller. Med en sadan kan man upptacka forandringar som inte ar mojliga fa fram med andra metoder.
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Meet some of the Wolfram interns whose projects ranged from Bell polynomials to Food Science for WolframAlpha, Mathematica, Wolfram Demonstrations, Wolfram Tones.
On the following morning, Saturday 14 August, Assange spoke at a seminar organised by Miss A. A second woman, Miss W, had contacted Miss A to ask if she could attend. Both women joined Assange, the co ordinator of the Swedish WikiLeaks group, whom we will call "Harold", and a few others for lunch.
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Har v rt her i noen dager n da, men det f rste jeg gjorde da jeg kom hit, var levere laptopen min p service. Det var kjipt, men n dvendig. S n har jeg ikke egen PC bruke en god stund framover. Men det skal g greit. Har med meg den eksterne harddisken min, s jeg skal vel da klare oppdrive noen bilder hvis jeg trenger det til bloggen ;) Har jo fortsatt den blogg utfordringen jeg begynte p . Henger en del etter n , men det gj r vel ikke noe.