hope to get lucky once with you!-
Loving errythang and haven! ̄t met an ankle zipper I didn! ̄t like. TGIF!
Stunning top! and lovely jeans zips detail.
My spirit animals are also horses and deer!
Hi i just found out im hiv positive an im pregnant ive been given tribuss but the packet insert says dont take if pregnant im confussed what do i do? My cd4 is above 500
thank you for your very useful article and add insight to my own
Just found out that Im HIV positive last month and my cd4 is 292 doctor said I must start using the ARV and I had a miscargde in Feb so I did a papsmear results came back saying i have lites dots of cancer with infections but the doctor said the cancer can dissapear but its depending on my health Im scared to take the treatment will I be able to have kids again
HI Brian, thank you. Will add your email to my mailing list and keep you posted.
cool u guys rock!!!! #acmelabsrock!!1
i! ̄ve been hearing about on media,today i got it at ma clinic!-!-is there anything to worry about? (Its side effects)