a buttefly flew into my house today and landed on my arm then slowly flew around me, despite the cold wet weather & i didnt think they survived this long it was beautiful in colour & seemed so calm, does this mean anything??
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Hi,I! ̄m currently on TB treatment rifafour. My CD4 is currently 249, my doc has put me on odimune & purbac ds. I! ̄m scared of taking all this treatment @once. I! ̄m kind of confused as when to take these without causing complications. Can I take purbac & odimune at the same time?
Hi, I! ̄ve been diagnosed with HIV, my CD4 was 91. They put me straight on Tribuss. They also gave me ilvitrim and norstan-isoniazid. That was a week ago. Now I am always tired and moody. Are these the side effects of all this? My stomach is burning,that feeling of a pregnant woman. Is there something wrong. Pls help.
hi am 35 yrs old and ws tested hiv positive in
I defaulted for about three months, my test came back showing a very high viral load if 1000? Am I going to die?
hi my girlfriend she is HIV positive and we being sleeping together for 8 month without condoms but i test negetive how possible is that? They said i must return after 6 week if is still negetive am i haven! ̄t got HIV?
We have plans to work on the box this weekend. I! ̄m hoping to look then.
Thanks. I implemented that and it looks good and I will keep it that way.