My boyfreind is hiv postive and we have nine month now dating so im scared to go and test please help me.
My fiancee has been on treatment for twelve years now. We use protection but is it safe for us to have unprotected sex? We want to have a baby.
Do genital warts or warts in general, have anything to do with HIV? I! ̄ve been on Tribuss for 8 months. I have warts on my vagina and fingers. They started on my vagina a few weeks ago.
LOL! Kakulay pala, as in dilaw. Wala ring mangyayari sa isyung yan. Alam naman natin na untouchables ang mga dilaw.
Are we allowed to put down blankets early to save seats for the demo derby?
Who needs an earthquake or a landslide? Politicians are worst than any natural disasters.
This Dingdong Dantes is not an ordinary private individual. Dingdong is an appointed public official in the Philippines and he should act accordingly based on what he promised and sworn during his oath taking when he accepted his role for National Youth Commission therefore any lavish or extravagant parties or ceremonies are not permitted as public officials must take into consideration the current situation of public masses. I guess this is one of the legalities he forgot. Keep in mind that when someone becomes public official their priority is their constituents more than anybody else. Any person is allowed to file a legal case against him so to speak.
About a year or so ago, I was heading to school and as I headed out the door, I saw a coyote looking at me(originally I thought it was a wolf but later found out it was a coyote) and then I blacked out and fell to the ground. My mother found me and took me to the hospital and they took my blood pressure, blood sugar level and other blood tests to see if anything was wrong, there wasn! ̄t, I still have 0 clues as to why this happened to me. Coyotes usually never come around our house, and suddenly, I see this one look at me and I black out? I! ̄m clueless, anyone have any insight as to why this happened to me?
I started taking odimune this year january when I found out that I! ̄m pregnant,will I be on the medication for a lifetime
Hiya, Im 49 now but we had a child in 2002 so he was conceived in 2001 sometime. I was already HIV positive and unfortunately did not know I was positive. He was born is good health and HIV negative and is now 10 years old so I would say your chances are as good as anyone else to have a healthy kid.