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I had a dream I was called out of class by some guy and he says something while my wolf and a cheatah circles us and then we! ̄re suddenly saying vow in front of an abnormally large full moon I don! ̄t get this
I feel energyless on my feet Rebecca, and im experiencing sores on my gums and on the vagina though im taking treatment (Atroiza) appropriately. Does this mean the viral load is still going high and cd4 going down? Is this treatment really working for me and will my situation improve as time goes ?
We have been together for 10yrs but I tested positive and we not using condoms. How come he is testing negative.
i just want so many more. they are so amazing.
For me the lion has always been a protective spirit. When I dream a lion (always a male African Savanah lion), it is fighting by my side, sleeping next to me to keep me warm, or giving me advice. But yes, I do usually dream one when I feel I have been treated unjustly.
Doctor, it is my first time taking atrozia. Is it OK for me to vomit that much, is this 1 of side effect?
Wrote that before you added your second comment, Cos- hope you feel better.
J? vais fibir de voir tout ?a plus tard
So, people are mad because Brad is too honest, and take advantage of his openness by making his life more difficult.