hi am 35 yrs old and ws tested hiv positive in
My boyfreind is hiv postive and we have nine month now dating so im scared to go and test please help me.
I want to know if i can eat at 6 and take my meds at 8.00, is there any problem?
The links in the WODs rarely work or go to the correct site for me. The Zone link (Know your Zone) displays a page not found error. The Spartan Exercise Database link goes to the same Double Butt Jump link above. Is this an issue with my browser or for everyone? This has been my experience with the last few WOD posts !a link issues with each.
I was attending some sort of school. A large male lo was blocking the path thru the courtyard to the main building. When i reported this to the woman behind the glass she told me not to worry, he! ̄s !°weak!±. I got angry with her and shouted for her to call security anyway. Just then, a bell rang and the courtyard filled with students. They all ignored the lion who was afraid, cowardly and scurried thru the crowds of kids looking for a way out. (I! ̄ve been out of college since 1999)
please re upload this wonderfull app on samsaung cant download it in the new version of kies!-.
Hi. I! ̄m 26 years old and I! ̄m HIV positive I! ̄m taking Atroiza. I sometimes work night shift and since I! ̄m taking this Atroiza I really can! ̄t work at night. I really don! ̄t know how to say this to my boss.
I find them everywhere I go, they like to land on me!-
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Can you bring a dog to the fair if it is on a leash?