wow, its really very amazing chance to the reader of acme blog.Thanz admin for this opurtunity most amagzing thing if I will win its a miracle for me .
Great mix-tape. It! ̄s getting played to death these past few days.
Brad, don! ̄t let this get you down. They give you flak because you! ̄re honest and you tell it like it is. Everyone who ever does gets crap. Howard Stern and The Ramones, for examples, went through all kinds of mudslinging and hate campaigns against them because they dared to challenge bull$#!. You! ̄ve helped me immensely and you! ̄ll always have my support.
Hello, I am HIV positive am on Septrin and if I have unprotected sex, can i transfer HIV to my partner?
Keep up the good work guys, in keeping the art and the origins of animation alive! It! ̄s important that we move with the times and appreciate how technology advances and enables evolution, but also we understand how we got there!
So, people are mad because Brad is too honest, and take advantage of his openness by making his life more difficult.
Hey doctor, my wife took 0dimune for the first time and she is pregnent. Is it normal for her to halucinate? and is Odimune too strong for her and the baby?
I! ̄m 20 weeks now with hiv positive and my CD4 is high can I have a healthy baby
best thing i have heard in quite a while
Awesome look, love BR lately! Love the color of the jeans