Brad, don! ̄t let this get you down. They give you flak because you! ̄re honest and you tell it like it is. Everyone who ever does gets crap. Howard Stern and The Ramones, for examples, went through all kinds of mudslinging and hate campaigns against them because they dared to challenge bull$#!. You! ̄ve helped me immensely and you! ̄ll always have my support.
in india life expectancy after hiv possitive.
These look heavenly! I absolutely love caramel. I! ̄ll definitely try it out in the near future. ;;)
TribuSs has has made me to hav cramps on my both legs is there anything that can help me pls help me gud ppl
Happy birthday Bryan, and welcome to the seniors! ̄ club. Looking forward to catching up on your return. Kate
It would be great to win with you!-
I! ̄ve been on Tribus for two and half years now and continue to gain lots of weight even on caloric controlled diet ,my breasts also enlarged?
Hi there when I was taking odimune I used to be sleepy after 1 hour or so but now im on atroiza and I don! ̄t feel any side effect, does atroiza work as a odimune?
My girlfriend tested positive but I tested negative. Now she says I am also positive and I infected her even if it does not shows positive on me.
loving your floral top and your jeans! great outfit!