My partner and I been togther for 16 yrs had hiv test for life policy done. Mine was negative and his positive. That was 14 months ago. Every 3 months after that I go test again and still I! ̄m negative till now. How can it be possible coz we are not using protection.
Now your mom can spread HER wings, and fly. I wish you the best of luck. -RN
I! ̄ve jst started using Atroiza, no side effects yet but my abdomen is painful and kidneys sometimes! What time can I take it at night because sometimes I work until late but they said to take it at bed time.
i don! ̄t think that a spirit animal can be a not real animal. Also, why do you think your spirit animal is a unicorn? Remember that a spirit animal chooses you. You don! ̄t choose who you want as a spirit animal.
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In my dream I was in a big bus with military friends and we drove out of the gate of my old front paddock and then when we looked back and there was a grey flecked appaloosa horse coming towards the open gate. I got the bus turned around and we were racing back to close the gate. I raced out of the bus and tried to steady her, my friends watched in admiration, and then she whirled around took off and somehow seemed to run up a distant tree and be in the sky. My angels are talking to me through the
I love this album. Great work, Tor.
Hi Alyth, just watched your performance on the CMA Christmas show and loved it! You have the voice if an angel and the beauty of a model! I hope we get to see more of you here in the united states! Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year, Jim
I dreamed that I was walking next to a beautiful, huge chestnut horse. As we were getting closer to the stables I saw a man hitting a horse, also a chestnut, the horse was on it! ̄s hind legs trying to pull free. Then suddenly the horse lay down on it! ̄s side. Blood was flowing from it! ̄s side. I was shocked at what I saw and started running towards the stables, shouting at the man to stop and saw that there were 3 horse! ̄s lying on their sides with blood streaming out the wounds. When I reached the horses I was relieved to see that they were stil alive and that I could still help them. Then I woke up.
Very nice look, I love this print!