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Hi, sorry for being so slow. I just noticed today, after months of shying the commas in my notes, that it actually converts the commas to semi-colons.
My partner and I been togther for 16 yrs had hiv test for life policy done. Mine was negative and his positive. That was 14 months ago. Every 3 months after that I go test again and still I! ̄m negative till now. How can it be possible coz we are not using protection.
I find them everywhere I go, they like to land on me!-
I! ̄m HIV positive. My man is negative, he doesn! ̄t like us to use condom and I! ̄m taking treament to protect my baby. Can my baby be protected from HIV?
I regularly use Storyline to create interactive learning exercises for my Communication classes. My students find them very useful. I could contribute my current library and anything new that I develop also.
I think, yes, it can be done with some CSS stilling but I! ̄m not familiar with TWpro. I! ̄ll play with it in weekend and will post more info.
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it shows, what a Loser this country is.