Episode 400,000 went up tonight. SP or Vince will post the link when it! ̄s ready, no doubt. And there just happened to be a NEW GUEST.
I have started Tribus a week ago , I have experienced few minor side effects like tongue numbness, dizzy, vomiting but it only lasted for 2 days now I am feeling much better than before the only thing I am worried about is permarnent side effects like fat distributions etc but so far so good
hi! ̄my husband has been taking this medication for 3 months! ̄the first month went well! ̄he started complaining with headache the 2nd month! ̄which was august! ̄now he is lying in hospital having Meningitis! ̄is he going to recover?
Hi I would lyk to know whether is odimune works exactly as ARVs? Do I have 2 take it for the rest of my life even though my cd4 count is high?, actually I want to know that is there a difference between a person who is taking odimume at night and a person who is taking three tablet at am and pm?
Thanks for your email. These symptoms are not side effects normally associated with Odimune. It! ̄s important that you discuss these with a doctor incase they are a sign of another infection or illness.
I started taking Atroiza this week on my 34th week of pregnancy, the first day i was dizzy and i had a strange headache, the second day i had night sweats and now all that is no more except feeling strengthless especially on my feet, will this be permanent or not?
Hi, My first test of CD4 count was 580 and was put on septrine. I do go to gym almost everyday and wanted to buy some food supplements is it good idea?
Beautiful! As a transgender woman this jives with me seamlessly.
I have noticed that I will not be able to have Tribuss for five days. Can I get this over-the-counter or should I call the medical aid for emergency script for the five days?
Utterly amazing, it! ̄s perfect!