Hi Alyth, just watched your performance on the CMA Christmas show and loved it! You have the voice if an angel and the beauty of a model! I hope we get to see more of you here in the united states! Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year, Jim
Agree!-but the interpreter made it for Miss Colombia!-beautiful interpretation, dinagdagan pa.
I want to now how to take this medicine, is at after food or not?
Je pens? que je vas en parler ssur m?n blog pers?nnel
I am not an Alaska native, nor do I live in Alaska. I! ̄m from Wisconsin, but Alaska holds a special place for me ¨C Denali National Park in particular. Now, while I want for more to do than to speak out here, or donate, I will say this. The science is against this. The destruction of the King Salmon runs would be immense and drastic. It would destroy a not insignificant portion of some of the most beautiful country on Earth. The economics are against it ¨C job creation, while certainly a plus, is extremely temporary. Our own Governor Walker wishes to allow mining near the Bad River in Wisconsin, citing job creation as a significant motive. Jobs like this are temporary ¨C the mine will die, and the dam, yesterday! ̄s technology, will bring ruin to precious biodiversity, and is already obsolete. There are other, better ways. The dam must not be built.
I had a dream last night that I arrived at a house to help someone .A lady answered the door and she looked very tired and troubled .She walked me to the back of the home and there was a boy about 12 years old he had horse hooves for his hands and feet.The lady left the boy was communicating with me but not through words he said he was tired of trying to make his mom understand that he is not helpless .The boy had dark hair .And very troubled .Can anyone tell me what this means
My spirit animals are also horses and deer!
Hi Minki, it sounds like you are doing lots of good things to look after your health. It is important to talk to your doctor about the weight loss though as this may be caused by something else. Without knowing your usually weight and height it is difficult to know how significant the change is. However, 20 kg sounds like a lot, especially as most people tend to put on a little weight during the first six months on treatment.
I! ̄ve jst started using Atroiza, no side effects yet but my abdomen is painful and kidneys sometimes! What time can I take it at night because sometimes I work until late but they said to take it at bed time.
Does anyone know what it means if the lion sitting there staring at you, I didn! ̄t feel scared at all, more like it wanted something from me.