My aunt is deathly afraid of butterflies.
What if your patner is positive but her viral load is undetected and you have bin having unprotected sex. How possible is it that you test negative?
That is great to hear. Congratulations!
I have read this post and if I could I wish to suggest you some interesting things or tips.
Hi I have been HIV+ for the past 11yrs. I never been sick. But last year I found out that I had TB and my cd4 was 12.was I I d state of Aids?
if we have must wi-fi !-.? if not have wi-fi its not working plz reply me i m using samsung wave3 can i use this!-?
My boyfriend first blood test was detected to have HIV 1 & 2 and now he had the confirmatory test for HIV. If he had HIV positive what medicine and treatment he has to take? And how many times he have to take it? I! ̄m very lost I love him very much but I! ̄m too afraid because my blood test is negative but will I in future will possibly get HIV positive? If he get treated with medicine and treatment how long can he live? I! ̄m very worried I don! ̄t wish to see him dead or anything happened.
These look heavenly! I absolutely love caramel. I! ̄ll definitely try it out in the near future. ;;)
Transit tv is so so so irritating. After listening to out for an hour without a choice to turn it off, I feel the need to take out my anger. Anyone who approves it should be required to listen to out on transit 2 hours a day 5 days a week.
wah ahirnya menemukan yang simple, thxs alot mas infonya, mohon bimbingan lagi seandainya saya tersesat heheheee