!°I!± have practiced Soto Zen, Zazen, etc. for the past 2-3 years, and I have come to see that Buddhism is not tenable in American organizations. This is a !°Dhamma ending age!± and pratyekabuddhas tend to emerge in this period. Buddhism has been distilled into simple phrases such as !°live in the moment!± when it dealt with much more !°painful!± topics in the past. Zen also began with much promise but eventually became too laid back in its illogical riddles, fetish over non-dualistic !°formless practices!±, and etc.
Agree!-but the interpreter made it for Miss Colombia!-beautiful interpretation, dinagdagan pa.
Great look, love the printed top!
I was diagnosed HIV+ 2012 October and then my CD4 was 285 my doctor decided that i should be on treatment, but i was reluctant. In December 2013 i got sick with shingles. This year i decided to start treatment . I! ̄ve started Tribuss. What are the side effects?
You should put this discussion on your list of links as well. It;s called levitation photography.
Lol! He just insulted lahat ng mga naperahan dahil sa hindi pagsuot ng helmet!
What! ̄s next? That X-men have Filipino origins? Or Wonderwoman and Darna are cousins? Or perhaps Harry Potter was raised by a Filipino mangkukulam at some point.
Hi I! ̄m 21weeks pregnant and have recently found out that I am hiv+,I was given atroiza I jus wana know when and how it should be taken is it 2hours before or after meals?
I would like to know if tribuss have an effect on hearing loss?
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