Wrote that before you added your second comment, Cos- hope you feel better.
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For me the lion has always been a protective spirit. When I dream a lion (always a male African Savanah lion), it is fighting by my side, sleeping next to me to keep me warm, or giving me advice. But yes, I do usually dream one when I feel I have been treated unjustly.
Q*bic is missing. And !°OnEscapee!±, too.
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Hi! I am writing to you because I! ̄m also a daydreamer and a dreamer, and we are alike, but most importantly because my guide is a white owl. I came this page because I thought mine would be a wolf so I had to read what it was about. I too had recurring nightmares of a lone wolf from ages 6 to 12-ish. It scared me then badly. But today it is my favorite animal. So majestic, powerful, and disciplined. I! ̄m not necessarily a man of God(not against either), but I send my good energy and clarity to you from an Owl to a Wolf!- because if you are going to fill some shoes, you might as well make them big ones.
I! ̄m HIV positive and my husband is negative. We need a child and im scared to infect my him. I am on antiretroviral treatment. Please help.
Things that are good for a healthy life are equally important for both partners. If both partners are HIV positive you will have some of the same shared experiences and can support each other. Also, you do not need to worry about the risk of HIV transmission if you are both positive.