I! ̄m 5 months pregnant and HIV positve .I! ̄ve started treatment ( Astreslawin tablets) while I found out at 3 months of my pregnancy .I! ̄m experiencing diarrhea ,is this not gonna affect my unborn child or cause miscarriage.
We appreciate your interest in the concert line-up and will email you as soon as it! ̄s released.
And when do we see him prosecuted???
It is good to hear that your side effects have gotten better.
Hi Natasha- I am so sorry that you are having issues. The brownie batter should go over the caramel easily, not sure how that is a problem. And yes, if the caramel is not covered entirely there may be edges and bits that get done faster than the center. If you cooked the bottom layer first then it should definitely not be liquid still. Can you tell me how I can re-word the directions so that this would work better for you in the future?
Hi I would lyk to know whether is odimune works exactly as ARVs? Do I have 2 take it for the rest of my life even though my cd4 count is high?, actually I want to know that is there a difference between a person who is taking odimume at night and a person who is taking three tablet at am and pm?
hi,i actually want to ask u that my husband is hiv positive and he is using medicine now but i was not diagnosed +ve till 3 times i had test!-now what ca i do am also affected???wel am really worrid and scared too wel now we have safe sex but before we didnt hav .we knew he had hiv after 1 and half yr marriage !-wel he had nonpulmonary tv then he was diagnosed to have hiv!-so should i check again or is it possible am not infected???wel i love him alot and dont wana lose him plz help me and if possible tel me if he can be cured forever!-
Keep up the remarkable work !! Lovin' it!
My friend tested positive while she was pregnant n his bf tested negative,my freind says they did sex even if she was on her period,she doesn! ̄t how she get infected and how his bf is negative while they do unprotected sex. please clarify
I totally agree. Massive landslide in the making. After the tragedy doon pa lang magigising and then blame game then congressional hearings.