Your books have meant a lot to me and I reflexively found myself jumping to your defense on the Sweeping Zen website. As a childhood victim of therapists and their big pharma masters the language of her article really bothered me. I railed against her in the comments section as childishly as any zen teacher. I think the big question for me is, is there any benefit to practicing buddhism? It all seems pretty pointless to me. I! ̄ve seen no evidence that long-time practitioners are any happier or wiser than anyone else and they kind of seem ill-suited to help anyone else. Anyone else finished with this sad theater? Who says there has to be answers anyway?
Love the fern pic. Makes me feel there. Funny how you escaped the fog and I keep on priayng for it here. I! ̄m dying to take some misty pics. Welcome back JJ, good to have ya!
One more thing. Where are those people who rallied against SM when it planned to expand its mall in Baguio? I know one prominent lawyer who stand against this giant company a few years ago and led people to rally in front of the said mall. Nasan ka na? Apay gapo ta kail-yan wenno ka tribo tayo ni apo Congressman ket itatalna tayon? Nasan na ang tapang ng lawyer na ito?
Brad, after reading through the history on this I felt downright upset on your behalf, and I can only imagine how painful it must be for you personally. You say some unpopular things and that can make you an easy target, but I think it! ̄s important that you keep saying them because sometimes you! ̄re right. In a culture prone to sexual hysteria it! ̄s I think you do a lot of good by voicing what you do. I! ̄ve enjoyed your writing for a long time, and your words have inspired to me to spend more time on the mat than I otherwise might have. Keep it up, I for one appreciate it.
I think you hit the nail on the head. Most of us forget about, or are too lazy to use the older forms of communication. we rely on our phones. Have you asked him to write a note?
Do genital warts or warts in general, have anything to do with HIV? I! ̄ve been on Tribuss for 8 months. I have warts on my vagina and fingers. They started on my vagina a few weeks ago.
My boyfriend first blood test was detected to have HIV 1 & 2 and now he had the confirmatory test for HIV. If he had HIV positive what medicine and treatment he has to take? And how many times he have to take it? I! ̄m very lost I love him very much but I! ̄m too afraid because my blood test is negative but will I in future will possibly get HIV positive? If he get treated with medicine and treatment how long can he live? I! ̄m very worried I don! ̄t wish to see him dead or anything happened.
Thanks. I implemented that and it looks good and I will keep it that way.