I love perusing your website. Thank you so much!
I don! ̄t understand if it is good for people with HIV to take part in soccer games?
Terrific page, Carry on the good work. Appreciate it!
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So, people are mad because Brad is too honest, and take advantage of his openness by making his life more difficult.
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As the mother to two teens, I can totally relate to this. Teens communicate is a different way!-.a way that we are not used to. I remember taking the family phone into my room when I was a teen. There was no privacy and always got in trouble for tying up the family phone line.
Me and my wife we have been together for almost five years now, and we have been blessed with a very beutifull daughter , but on 11december 2013 we went for a routine check as she is pregnant again for about seven month and she tested positive and I was negative and we never used protection , so what are my chances of being HIV+ after I repeat the test in three month time?
Thanks for the trust, Ram. Let know if there! ̄s any part that can be improved.