I think MJ was too sexy to be Miss Universe. It doesn! ̄t matter what gown you put on her when she wears her bikini, OMG!
Hi I have been HIV+ for the past 11yrs. I never been sick. But last year I found out that I had TB and my cd4 was 12.was I I d state of Aids?
My first day on Odimune and I am geting an allergic reaction. It is similar to that of a sulphur reaction, which I am allergic to. What should I do with the Odimune?
I! ̄m glad to see that Hammie! ̄s hair is growing back!
I have done all the different quizzes to find my spiritual animal. I love turtles, but every quiz tells me I am a wolf. I read the results, I am!-but I always shop and find turtles, never a wolf!-why?
Me and my wife we have been together for almost five years now, and we have been blessed with a very beutifull daughter , but on 11december 2013 we went for a routine check as she is pregnant again for about seven month and she tested positive and I was negative and we never used protection , so what are my chances of being HIV+ after I repeat the test in three month time?
Awesome look, love BR lately! Love the color of the jeans
Another perfect look ! ? just awesome ! ?
i love this look! Haven! ̄t tried the ball cap yet but I will now!
I have been using atripla from 2011 December is it wise to change to Atroiza and what are the side effects