Hi Esha, I hope Trey reads this too. It! ̄s so funny he knows I blog about him sometimes, but he says he! ̄s not interested. Maybe someday. I actually want him to help me with it. We! ̄ll see.
hello I am requesting information on a booth for the fair please cost whats included with the cost is it inside because of what I offer
i don! ̄t think that a spirit animal can be a not real animal. Also, why do you think your spirit animal is a unicorn? Remember that a spirit animal chooses you. You don! ̄t choose who you want as a spirit animal.
Great mix-tape. It! ̄s getting played to death these past few days.
Love the print of the top and the jeans!
I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis but i! ̄m glad to hear that you are feeling well.
Amazing outfit, you look gorgeous!!
Hi i was using tribuss but i ran out of my treatment so my friend gave me atroiza can i take it
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For the love of god please leave them off. They are loud and annoying and make it hard to hear announcements and stop notifications. If you do turn them back on at least make them silent.