Hi and on the winter solstice!- great! Thanks Andrew.
I love this casual look and the blue is so pretty on you!
Stop double posting and spamming the site assholes!
What I noticed is!-The contestants were just normal in their walk and pose!-
I wish I win this fantastic gadget!
am also going to start on my odimune today and am so glad i read your comments they made me feel so betterv cause i was also confussed and had so many questions that you guys unswered for me thank you
We have been married for 9 years; on our 2nd year of marriage we discovered that my husband was HIV+ and I was HIV- even though we had unprotected sex. We have been using condoms for the past 7 years but we seldom have sex. This makes me feel guilty as I assume he has lost interest due to the use of condoms. At times I feel like we should continously have unprotected sex as I feel I am being too impossible and unreasonably strict!-!-I am confused as I love my man and would like to see him happy also I love my life.
I was attending some sort of school. A large male lo was blocking the path thru the courtyard to the main building. When i reported this to the woman behind the glass she told me not to worry, he! ̄s !°weak!±. I got angry with her and shouted for her to call security anyway. Just then, a bell rang and the courtyard filled with students. They all ignored the lion who was afraid, cowardly and scurried thru the crowds of kids looking for a way out. (I! ̄ve been out of college since 1999)
Things that are good for a healthy life are equally important for both partners. If both partners are HIV positive you will have some of the same shared experiences and can support each other. Also, you do not need to worry about the risk of HIV transmission if you are both positive.