In my dreams, I have many of a white wolf running parallal to me through the trees. I feel he! ̄s watching after me. Comments, please.
i! ̄ve been hearing about on media,today i got it at ma clinic!-!-is there anything to worry about? (Its side effects)
In my dream I was in a big bus with military friends and we drove out of the gate of my old front paddock and then when we looked back and there was a grey flecked appaloosa horse coming towards the open gate. I got the bus turned around and we were racing back to close the gate. I raced out of the bus and tried to steady her, my friends watched in admiration, and then she whirled around took off and somehow seemed to run up a distant tree and be in the sky. My angels are talking to me through the
am also going to start on my odimune today and am so glad i read your comments they made me feel so betterv cause i was also confussed and had so many questions that you guys unswered for me thank you
Your books have meant a lot to me and I reflexively found myself jumping to your defense on the Sweeping Zen website. As a childhood victim of therapists and their big pharma masters the language of her article really bothered me. I railed against her in the comments section as childishly as any zen teacher. I think the big question for me is, is there any benefit to practicing buddhism? It all seems pretty pointless to me. I! ̄ve seen no evidence that long-time practitioners are any happier or wiser than anyone else and they kind of seem ill-suited to help anyone else. Anyone else finished with this sad theater? Who says there has to be answers anyway?
I feel like this quiz needs to be more in depth and have more then two answers. I got the butterfly but, I didn! ̄t feel comfortable with some of the choices because they! ̄re too limited. This is a nice resource tool to find the meanings of different totems though
Hiya, Im 49 now but we had a child in 2002 so he was conceived in 2001 sometime. I was already HIV positive and unfortunately did not know I was positive. He was born is good health and HIV negative and is now 10 years old so I would say your chances are as good as anyone else to have a healthy kid.
i just want so many more. they are so amazing.
Hi and on the winter solstice!- great! Thanks Andrew.