Im 50, I found I had HIV , 3 years ago. I take my medication , exercise. Etc but my cd4 seems to have stuck at 144 , will the HIV become aids
I am 8 months pregnant and taking my Tribuss at 11 pm everyday. Is it possible for me to change to 8 pm or it will a risk to my unborn baby?
!°Why is all the Zen interaction on the web seemingly about how everyone else is wrong and an idiot and doesn?t get ?it? (just read the comments sections here and on sweeping zen for numerous examples)?!±
Wow! What a beautiful performance with Trace Adkins on CMT Country Christmas. And you are GORGEOUS!
Oh my. These brownies look absolutely lovely and delicious! I don! ̄t think brownies can really get better than this!
I love this casual look and the blue is so pretty on you!
My boyfriend first blood test was detected to have HIV 1 & 2 and now he had the confirmatory test for HIV. If he had HIV positive what medicine and treatment he has to take? And how many times he have to take it? I! ̄m very lost I love him very much but I! ̄m too afraid because my blood test is negative but will I in future will possibly get HIV positive? If he get treated with medicine and treatment how long can he live? I! ̄m very worried I don! ̄t wish to see him dead or anything happened.
Can I take Tribuss in the mornings instead of at night?
the remote server link doesnt work, i downloaded it.