Love all of the bold blue colors! Beautiful outfit, Jules!
My boyfreind is hiv postive and we have nine month now dating so im scared to go and test please help me.
Thanks a lot, A great sun and that great groove, everything! ̄s perfect.
Hi. I! ̄m HIV positive my CD4 count is 939 i found out in July 2014. I have been taking vitams since i found out i was positive but this month they also gave me nucotrim to take two tablets ones a day. They gave packets for four months. I want know is it ok to drink nucotrim for that long or will i be exceeding the limit.
Thanks you Simon for your response, I am so glad with your suggestion and I will try to work out with this matter.
Watch the movie damnation, Consider the issues. Can people please just be less wasteful with the electricity that we do have. Not just turning off lights and using efficient devices, but also consider using less of everything. All products that are processed require energy to be made, marketed, and transported.
Hands down the best album I! ̄ve ever heard. Moved to a new city and this has literally become the soundtrack of my life.
Did you use the peanut butter chips? Was the brownie cooked for the recommended time before you put the peanut butter chips on it? Did you use all of the caramel?
I was diagnosed with HIV in 2007 and I! ̄ve been living positively since then. I started taking tribuss last year August since my cd4 count had dropped to 250, I went for a re-test in November but the the test came back and my cd4 count was not increasing. ive never been on arv! ̄s so im stressing now cause of this. my medical aid seems to think I havent been taking my medication nd im afraid they might cancel my treatment. what should I do plz advise
I found out two months back that im hiv positive. I have a 18 month old son, when i was pregnant i tested negative till the last day. But now im so scared if the tests were wrong and that i could have infected my baby. Im so scared to go and test him.