Any help ,i started taking atroiza in june while i was pregnant and have now delivered my HIV negative baby, so i would like to know that is this Atroiza only for pregnant woman? Am i going to be switched to a new treatment because im no longer pregnant? Please help.
These are things your friend needs to talk about with here doctor and HIV health care team. Getting an HIV positive test result is difficult and stressful. It takes time and support. Learning you are positive when you are pregnant also involves finding out about treatment, and using this during the pregnancy to reduce the risk of passing HIV to the baby.
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I am 28 years old and I am HIV positive since 2010. I am strong and fit and it was difficult for me to accept but one day I told my partner about it and she went and got tested. We found out she is negative. She is very supportive and she is looking after me and make sure that I eat well. Now I am taking Odimune and I don! ̄t even have side effects. Can i mix alcohol and Odimune?
Had a dream last eve!- In a field with an unknown man!- !°things!± were in these fields but as I would turn to look back, !°things!± were gone!- the things missing happened 3 times and started to wonder if This man, thought I may have had something to do with !°Things!± missing. Looked to my right and see a Black wolf coming into the area of where we were. Pointed to the black wolf and the man ran so much faster than I and wanted to hide in a !°SAFE!± ??? I watched him run before me leaving me behind. I, then turned and the Black wolf was approaching me face to face. I, felt fear but also, a defeat of sorts. I raised my hands and stood my ground facing this mud covered face of the black wolf. I, stated whoa, He stopped, slight growl and I repeated again!- He stood his ground and we faced each other. Any thoughts?
I! ̄m 20 weeks now with hiv positive and my CD4 is high can I have a healthy baby
What can I use to keep my immune system high without using Atroiza?
You are wonderful, David Garrett! Thank you!
Episode 400,000 went up tonight. SP or Vince will post the link when it! ̄s ready, no doubt. And there just happened to be a NEW GUEST.
Great lil prize, thanks and cheers!!