I started taking tribuss in 2013. After 6 months the doctor changed me to Atrioza. Is there a difference between the two tablets?
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Just needed to stress I am just thankful I stumbled onto your web page
Wish to win the Apple Ipad mini for the apple of my eyes. What an amazing giveaway! A little hope to win with you. Afterall whats life without hope!
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I! ̄m glad to see that Hammie! ̄s hair is growing back!
Hi dr, please help as me and my fiance are planning to have a child but the problem my fiance is positive and I am negative. He is taking his ARVs and his CD4 count is increasing. He said he spoke to one of the nurses in clinic and he was told that he can do unprocteted sex as he is CD4 count is increasing. I am really scared. What if me and the child that we planning gets an infection. Pls help as we really desparate for a child.
Terrific page, Carry on the good work. Appreciate it!
I love perusing your website. Thank you so much!
I feel energyless on my feet Rebecca, and im experiencing sores on my gums and on the vagina though im taking treatment (Atroiza) appropriately. Does this mean the viral load is still going high and cd4 going down? Is this treatment really working for me and will my situation improve as time goes ?