§R§a§O§s§a §a§a§a§U§U§O§O§a§a§U §a§a§Y§N§a§a §e§O§a§O§U webmoney?
Hi since i heard on tv news that hiv cure tables has been found is that true
How can a HIV positive person have a baby with a man that is negative?
My partner and I been togther for 16 yrs had hiv test for life policy done. Mine was negative and his positive. That was 14 months ago. Every 3 months after that I go test again and still I! ̄m negative till now. How can it be possible coz we are not using protection.
I had a dream that I was a lion and was battling a wolf and there were a pack of wolves on the side just watching. the setting I believe looked like a desert with trees and rocks around from what I remember. and also the dream kinda looked matrix, 3d! ̄ish. that! ̄s the best way I can put it. does this symbolize anything? I wasn! ̄t afraid or anything like that in the dream. I was calm but alert.
wow, its really very amazing chance to the reader of acme blog.Thanz admin for this opurtunity most amagzing thing if I will win its a miracle for me .
TribuSs has has made me to hav cramps on my both legs is there anything that can help me pls help me gud ppl
As the mother to two teens, I can totally relate to this. Teens communicate is a different way!-.a way that we are not used to. I remember taking the family phone into my room when I was a teen. There was no privacy and always got in trouble for tying up the family phone line.
The Glad Rags and the Lad Mags should probably tour together.